Parents, educators, advocates, and attorneys come to Wrightslaw for accurate, reliable information about special education law, education law, and advocacy for children with disabilities.
Yale Center
The Yale Center for Dyslexia & Creativity serves as a nexus for research on dyslexia, and is as well a leading source of advocacy and information to better the lives of people with dyslexia.
Great Schools
Our mission: Help millions of parents get a great education for their children.
Learning Disabilities Online
LD OnLine is the world’s leading website on learning disabilities and ADHD, serving more than 200,000 parents, teachers, and other professionals each month.
National Center for Learning Disabilities
The National Center for Learning Disabilities (NCLD) is committed to ensuring that all students with learning disabilities graduate from high school with a standard diploma—prepared for college and the workplace.
Children and Adults with Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder
CHADD (Children and Adults with Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder) is the nation’s leading non-profit organization serving individuals with ADHD and their families. CHADD has over 16,000 members in 200 local chapters throughout the U.S. Chapters offer support for individuals, parents, teachers, professionals, and others.
National Dissemination Center for Children with Disabilities
NICHCY is very pleased to offer you a wealth of information on disabilities! We serve the nation as a central source of information on disabilities in infants, toddlers, children, and youth. Here, you’ll also find easy-to-read information on IDEA, the law authorizing early intervention services and special education. Our State Resource Sheets will help you connect with the disability agencies and organizations in your state.Read and freely share our many articles and publications, sign up for our newsletter, and write or call us for more personalized assistance. We are here to help.
SparkTop – where no two brains think alike – is a place where kids who learn differently can create awesome stuff … play great games … connect with other kids … and discover new ways to succeed in school and in life.
Best Colleges
List of Best Colleges, College Ranking, Schools, Top Online Schools, What Is a Business Degree, A Degree, Free Online Management Courses, and more.
Nurturing Literacy
Understanding My Mission – Truly experiencing what it is like to be a struggling reader allowed me to genuinely empathize with these children. It changed not only my perspective but my mission: I dedicated myself to helping children who struggle with reading.
Link makes it even easier for students to learn to read and thrive using audiobooks. At Learning Ally we believe that providing powerful yet simple solutions can help transform the learning experience for students with dyslexia, learning disabilities or visual impairment.
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