About Us

About Us

The Michigan Branch of the International Dyslexia Association was officially recognized in 1976. Its founding was largely credited to the pioneering energy of Sister Anna Cryan of Nazareth College in Kalamazoo, MI. Frustrated with her inability to successfully teach reading to two youngsters in the mid-1960s, Sister Anna sought training and, ultimately, was instrumental in bringing structured literacy training to Kalamazoo. Working with a group of concerned parents and community members, her interest resulted first in the formation of the Specific Language Disability Learning Center to provide tutoring and then to the official formation of the Michigan Branch.

Since its formation, the Michigan Branch of the International Dyslexia Association has sponsored numerous conferences with the purpose of providing information to parents, educators, and policy-makers across the state of Michigan. Our branch serves as a resource for individuals and groups seeking information about specific language disability/dyslexia; encourages the development of resources for individuals with dyslexia; recognizes achievement for individual efforts in the field of dyslexia; and when possible, offers support for any of our stated goals. Much work still has to be done to further the goal of education of teachers, parents, and the public about dyslexia, but the Michigan Branch of the International Dyslexia Association remains a positive force for better education for the students and support for the families of Michigan.

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