2020 Webinar Series Policies and Procedures

IDA-FL Webinar Policies & Procedures 

Accessibility and Accommodation Policy We welcome people who are characterized by diversity, including disabilities. For questions about accessibility or to request accommodation(s), please email: treasurer.fl@dyslexiaida.org Requests should be made before September 1, 2020, which is at least three weeks prior to the beginning of the IDA-FL webinar series on September 26, 2020.

Badges/Posted Names on Webinars For security reasons, IDA-FL requires attendees to post their names during online webinars.

Continuing Education Credit Continuing Education credit will be offered at this event. IDA-FL will verify all attendance for Continuing Education sessions. Participants are expected to sign-in on designated sign-in sheets. Attendance for the duration of each session is expected. Continuing Education Course Certificates will be distributed at the end of each session following completion of post-test. Participants who do not satisfy the requirements of completion will be notified by email.

Complaints The International Dyslexia Association – Florida Branch (IDA-FL) is committed to ensuring that any person using services provided by IDA-FL has the right to lodge a complaint and to have their concerns addressed in ways that ensure access and equity, fairness, accountability, and transparency. IDA-FL is dedicated to seeking and receiving feedback and complaints about our services, systems, practices, procedures, and complaint handling. IDA will protect the identity of people making complaints where this is practical and appropriate. Questions, concerns, and complaints should be directed to: Milaura Spelman, MA, CCC-SLP, IDA-FL CE Administrator, Email: treasurer.fl@dyslexiaida.org

Consent to Photograph and Record Registration and attendance or participation at the IDA-FL Webinar and Book Study Series and its affiliated meetings and events constitutes an agreement by the registrant for IDA-FL and its affiliates to use and distribute (both now and in the future) the registrant or attendee’s image or voice in photographs, videotapes, electronic reproductions, and audiotapes of such events and activities. It is agreed that any photographs, video-recordings, electronic reproductions, or audiotapes that participants take include ONLY other participants who have given the participant with a camera or recording device permission to be included in that participant ’s photograph, video, or audio recording, while not including anyone else in the background. IDA-FL recordings of the webinars and book study sessions will be posted on the IDA-FL website.

Endorsement Disclaimer The International Dyslexia Association Florida Branch (IDA-FL) is pleased to present a forum for information to benefit its constituents. It is FLIDA’s policy to not recommend or endorse any specific program, product, institution, company, or instructional material, noting there are a number of such that present the critical components of instructions as defined by IDA’s Knowledge and Practice Standards for Teachers of Reading. Any program, product, institution, company, or instructional material carrying the IDA Accredited seal meets the IDA Standards. Advertisements or products in this guide, or any other conference-related material, do not necessarily reflect the views of IDA-FL or IDA.

Non-Discrimination Policy The International Dyslexia Association Florida Branch (IDA-FL) does not and shall not discriminate on the basis of race, color, religion (creed), gender, gender expression, age, national origin (ancestry), disability, marital status, sexual orientation, or military status, in any of its activities or operations.

Registration Registration for the IDA-FL Webinar does not include any pre-conference symposia, school visits, or other ticketed events.

Online Session Room Seating All seating inside of session rooms is available on a first come, first-served basis, unless otherwise noted. Due to Zoom limits, any sessions that reach capacity will be closed and restricted to additional participants. Register early and log into the webinar site early to ensure your spot!

Solicitation IDA-FL does not permit solicitation of any kind during the IDA-FL webinar or book study meetings except by the paid sponsors as exhibitors within the webinar or book study session. Solicitation by any business or person other than exhibitors is strictly prohibited. Violations will be handled by dismissing the solicitor from the webinar or book study session. 

Please refer to our website for our Policies and Procedures:


Until everyone can read.

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