2018 IDA Florida Conference
Dyslexia: Dispelling Myths and Supplying Solutions
October 6, 2018
Florida Hotel and Conference Center at The Florida Mall
Online Registration is now closed. You may register at the Door on Saturday, October 6, between 7:30 and 8:15 a.m.
Keynote Speakers
Dr. Nancy Mather is a Professor at the University of Arizona in Tucson in the Department of Disability and Psychoeducational Studies. She has served as a learning disabilities teacher, a diagnostician, a university professor, and an educational consultant. She has published numerous articles and books and conducts workshops on assessment and instruction both nationally and internationally. Dr. Mather is a co-author of the Woodcock-Johnson IV and has co-authored two books on interpretation and application of the WJ IV. Her most recent book on dyslexia is: Essentials of Dyslexia: Assessment and Intervention (Mather & Wendling, 2012) and on learning disabilities: Learning Disabilities and Challenging Behaviors (Mather, Goldstein, & Eklund, 2015).
David A. Kilpatrick, PhD is a reading researcher and the author of two books on reading, Essentials of Assessing, Preventing, and Overcoming Reading Difficulties, and Equipped for Reading Success. He is an associate professor of psychology for the State University of New York, College at Cortland and a New York State certified school psychologist with 28 years of experience in schools. He has been teaching courses in learning disabilities and educational psychology since 1994.
Representative Gayle Harrell was elected to the Florida House of Representatives in 2000. With over 16 years of service in the Florida House of Representatives, Rep. Harrell is a leader in setting policy for the State of Florida. She is currently Chair of Children’s, Families & Seniors Subcommittee, and is a sitting member of the Health & Human Services Committee, Health Care Appropriations Subcommittee, Judiciary Committee and the Criminal Justice Subcommittee. Currently, she is sponsoring HB 79 which will establish dyslexia programs in Florida public schools. These bills complement other dyslexia legislation that is being sponsored by Representative Aaron Bean (SB 656).
Gayle Harrell also has over 28 years of experience in healthcare. She is President and CEO of Health IT Strategies, LLC and has worked as a Healthcare Administrator, managing the Ob-Gyn. practice of Dr. James E. Harrell and founder of the Breast Imaging Center, a mammography center specializing in preventive care for women.
In addition, Gayle is a nationally recognized leader in Health Information Technology and was appointed by U.S. House of Representatives Speaker John Boehner to the national Health Information Technology Policy Committee as established under ARRA 2009 (Stimulus Bill).
Gayle has won numerous awards for her legislative service. Among her many awards she has received the Legislator of the Year by the Florida Medical Association, the Legislative Leadership Award by Mothers Against Drunk Driving, the Legislative Award by the Florida Children’s Forum, an “A” Ranking by the Florida Chamber of Commerce, the Friend of Free Enterprise Award by the Associated Builders and Contractors, the Legislative Achievement Award by Keep Florida Beautiful, and the Distinguished Legislator Award by the Florida Police Benevolent Association.
Gayle, who was married to Dr. James Harrell for 50 years before his recent passing, has four children and eight grandchildren, and is an active member of the First Presbyterian Church in Stuart, Florida.
Book Signing
Stop by the Exhibit Hall to purchase your personalized copy signed by Dr. Mather and Dr. Kilpatrick. Watch this space for online advance purchase options.
Conference Pricing
You are Welcome to Register at the Door on Saturday, October 6, between 7:30 and 8:15 a.m. Hotel Reservations are available, too.
Tickets purchased on the day of the conference are priced as follows…
- $225 – All IDA members*
- $250 – Anyone not an IDA member
- $130 – All students who are IDA members**
- $140 – Students who are not IDA Members
8 ALTA CEUs Available
- 6 NASP CEs Available
- This course is offered for up to 0.6 ASHA CEUs (intermediate level, professional area)
- Please refer to our Conference Policies and Procedures for details
*Members of IDA include parent members, teacher members, individual members, professional members, senior/retired members, faculty & staff of member educational institutions, and employees of corporate members. To learn more about becoming a member of International Dyslexia Association, visit https://dyslexiaIDA.org/membership-account/membership-levels/
**Student Members of IDA who are full time students.
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